Member Spotlight
Grace Francisco
CMO and Head of DevRel, Pangea Cyber
Member Since June, 2023
Grace is a seasoned developer strategy executive with over 20 years of experience in software across enterprise, small business, fintech, consumer, and gaming. She has co-authored three patents and led worldwide developer initiatives at Microsoft, Intuit, Yodlee, Atlassian, Roblox, MongoDB and Cisco. Grace is currently the head of developer relations and CMO for Pangea Cyber. She’s also a diversity advocate, having established new diversity programs at Microsoft and Atlassian and as an executive sponsor for diversity initiatives at Cisco. Grace is often speaking or writing about APIs, API security, developer trends and leadership.
I play a mean game of pingpong
I love kickboxing
If you're not feeling uncomfortable you're probably not learning. Lean in and embrace the discomfort!
Grace Francisco
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