Member Spotlight
Nicolette Anderson
Software Developer, Ag Code
Member Since May, 2022
I've worked as a software engineer for ten years. I code using .NET technologies, Angular, and React. I enjoy collaborating with other developers and IT professionals through mentoring, book clubs, and side projects to keep learning more about software development. Outside of work, but still on geeky pursuits, I love being a positive role model to show kids there is a place for everyone in tech. I've been a speaker for Microsoft DigiGirlz and taught as a volunteer teacher for Microsoft TEALS for two years. I live in Appleton, Wisconsin with my daughter, who is 12, and two very conversational parakeets named Flapjack and Peanut.
mobile development, building computers, running, hiking, skiing, reading
Clean up 5 things whenever you go into a room and you'll never have to worry about keeping your house clean.
Nicolette Anderson
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