Member Spotlight

Manna Kong

Associate Software Engineer, Red Hat Inc.

Member Since February, 2023

Manna is a Hmong-American professional in her mid-twenties who resides in the Midwest region of the United States. She is currently employed as an Associate Software Engineer on Red Hat’s Operator Enablement & Tooling team. Her responsibilities encompass a range of tasks related to Operators, including assisting partners with their Operators and delivering educational workshops on the Operator Framework. Manna’s prior experience includes teaching elementary students and working in web development, but she is now an emerging learner in the cloud native community. She offers a fresh perspective and unique insights to her work, bringing a valuable perspective to the field. Manna is a promising professional with a bright future ahead of her in the technology industry.

web development
cloud technology

A jack of all trades is a master of none, but is oftentimes better than a master of one. Explore to your hearts content.

Manna Kong

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