Member Spotlight

Jameson Alea

Senior Software Engineer, Wrapbook

Member Since January, 2023

Jamey Alea (they/them) is an adventurer from Buffalo, NY who wishes they were immortal so they’d have time to visit every coffee shop in the world. Jamey has been a Rails developer for about 10 years and is currently working at Wrapbook as a senior software engineer. They’re a prolific conference speaker and organizer, and they’re also known for their work on podcasts such as Greater Than Code and Stationary & Sassy. Jamey is also an artist, specializing mainly in letterpress printing. They recently completed artist residencies at the Book Arts Center in Buffalo, NY and Zygote Press in Cleveland, OH.

demolition derby
tabletop rpgs

You wouldn't believe what people will say yes to if you just ask nicely.

Jameson Alea

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