Member Spotlight
Gaines Kergosien
Software Architect and Project Lead, Trailhead Technology
Member Since March, 2023
Gaines is passionate about helping people reach their full potential and providing the structure necessary to maximize their value. His strategic leadership capitalizes on a blend of technical vision and business acumen acquired through 20 years identifying, qualifying, building consensus for, and implementing solutions to meet business objectives. Gaines serves as founder and CIO for Music City Tech, an educational non-profit responsible for organizing the Music City Code, Music City Agile, and Music City Data conferences in Nashville, TN. His public speaking and other thought leadership work led to becoming a three-time recipient of the Microsoft MVP award and serving on the board of directors for Technology Leaders of Nashville and the Nashville Technology Council.
You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.
Gaines Kergosien
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