Mobile Deployments for Web Developers
For web developers building in the mobile ecosystem for the first time, deploying cross-platform apps built with tools like Ionic, React Native, or Flutter can be complex. There are native build hardware and config requirements, signing certificates, app store approvals, app versions, pushing updates, and more. There are multiple tooling options and strategies to consider, including whether to automate and whether to integrate with existing web CI/CD processes. This talk serves as an overview of the mobile-specific deployment considerations through the lens of a web developer. It covers the key differences between mobile and web, how to develop a deployment strategy, and how to evaluate tooling options. Outline: - What makes mobile different - The key components of a mobile deployment process - Automation considerations - Toolkit considerations: Platform-specific, framework-specific, web CI/CD, or mobile CI/CD options
Take Aways
- Learn the steps to deploy mobile apps to app stores
- Learn about deployment tooling options for cross-platform and traditional native mobile apps
- Learn how to update existing web CI/CD systems to incorporate mobile deployments