Alex Riviere

Camp Counselor

Remaking Deprecated HTML Tags with Web Components

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Thursday, July 28, 2022 - 3:30 PM UTC, for 1 hour.

Regular, 60 minute presentation

Room: F

web components

Have you wondered what the fuss is about web components? Have you never heard of web components? Are you a seasoned developer looking for some whimsy? Then this talk is for you! We'll cover a short history of the HTML spec, The early browser wars, and some deprecated elements, and that are starting to show their age. After this, we'll jump into how to remake these classic elements using the native custom element spec (web components) and how to make them more accessible using media queries and some other trickery.


At minimum, an understanding of ES6 classes as well as a basic understanding of HTML is handy to know for this talk.

Take Aways

  • Feel more confident that the web is better now than it used to be
  • A mild understanding of how to make your own custom elements
  • A renewed sense of wonder and/or horror at the possibilities with custom elements
favorited by:
Colin Lord Phil Busch Grant Pierce Alex Riviere Collins Westnedge Nathan Ellingson Daniel Braun