THAT Conference

Closing Remarks

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Thursday, July 29, 2021 - 9:00 PM UTC, for 1 hour.

A THAT Conference Activity

Room: Mess Hall

thank you

It's hard to believe after all of this prep, hard work and three days of fun, it has to come to a close. But before we all head back to the real life, we have a few things we would like to say and some stuff to give away. Oh yea, we also have to close out our epic open spaces!

favorited by:
Jacob Galloway Ross Larson Lance Larsen Ryan Wisniewski John Kozlowski James McCollum Tad Hadtrath Jennifer Johnson Wesley Faulkner Riley Major Bill Hubert Robert Derman Dennis Moon Josh Gretz Jeff Jones Brandon Belman Arthur Kay Daniel Laughland Derrell Connor Cacie Robichaux Justin Weyenberg Shawn Cannon Rob Linxweiler Gregory Owen Denise Johnsen Brian Robertson Angela Dugan YURSHIA XIONG Bob Dankert Christopher Ebbert Leona Grzymkowski David Wanta Dale Sande Mark Anderson Vanessa Radlinger Elizabeth Groom